Tableau vs QlikView Architecture

Tableau Architecture
Tableau has highly scalable and it has n-tier client-server based architecture that serves the mobile clients, web clients, and desktop installed software. Tableau desktop is authorizing and publishing tool used to create and share the views on tableau server.
Tableau server is an enterprise business class platform it can set up hundreds of thousands of users. It offers powerful mobile and web-based analytic works with companies existing data and security protocol.
Tableau Architecture - Tableau Vs QlikView - Edureka
Tableau Training Architecture is mostly focused on three stages : Integrating, Analyzing & Visualizing.
QlikView Architecture
QlikView's architecture consists of a front end to visualize the processed data and a back end to provide the security and publication mechanism for QlikView user documents. The diagram given below depicts the internal working of QlikView. The architecture is discussed in detail below the picture.

QlikView Architecture - Tableau Vs Qlikview - Edureka
QlikView Training Architecture is based on three parts: Front End, Back End and Resources.
